I am trying to keep a positive outlook on the fact that my little boy has grown up and become a man! His birthday is on the 30th and it will be the only one in 20 years that we have not celebrated with him. I hope we get to see him next year for his birthday! That will be awesome. I wonder, kind of, if they will let him come home early(ish) so he can get a start on school. Oh well, I am still glad he is such a great man. He seems to have his proiorities right and knows how to make his life the best it can be and that makes me happy! Happy Birthday Son!!
Oh, and the pictures scare me a little. Why does Elder Myres never have a shirt on? Why is he dancing in a flaming circle? I am a little nervous for the answer to be honest!!
Well. Believe it or not, I actually did wait on the gifts. I was going to but my companion shamlessly (he does very few things with shame) guilted me out of it. So I didn't. We'll see probably tonight, however, for he also guilted me into making the cake tonight because he's going and my... new guy... will not have any idea what he's doing, and will probably not want to hear about that while he's barely even keeping himself walking straight.
On that note, Elder Myres is going away. I'm not super happy about that, but these things do happen. Not only that, but I'm training a new missionary... as if I was prepared. Sometimes I think God has a sense of humor.
You'll have to forgive me, I'm a little distracted. I'm putting together a birthday set of CDs for myself. It's complex when you can't go on the internet to convert the formats. You have to be really creative.
We are finally starting to get something done here. Now that Elder Myres is gone - a little tough luck for him. He's actually been made senior companion. He's a change younger than when I was made it, and I was (President King admitted it to me) pretty much young for it too. We'll see what happens out there, right? Elder Myres is certainly good, no problems there.
I honestly would have liked to have been with him another change. It'll be fun though. Hopefully the greenie Elder Lowry gets a white guy so we can still have fun... I mean... so we can... have more unity... whatever. You know why.
I look forward to seeing what you ended up getting me... no, I'm not really that materialistic. Thanks for only forgetting to write me once this whole year!
Love (no, but seriously),
Elder A Conrad Crist
I would just like to restate that I did NOT forget to write to him. I sent it like 10 minutes after he had gotten off and so he didn't get to read it until the next week. I swear!! I look forward to reading his and I am sure he feels the same! At least I hope so!