It is kind of hard to have stuff going on in the world and not even be able to talk to Alex about it. I miss his insight and intellect. And I am sorry but short little letters just don't seem to cut it. I am grateful for pictures however. He looks happy and well and time just keeps on ticking! No matter what.
It was kind of funny, actually, when I saw the earthquake the first time on a TV in an investigator´s house. I said "I actually have a friend doing the mission there," to which our sarcastic member friend said "Ya, no." - "Now, no." But then I thought about it. 9.2 is pretty hard, I believe. You read the email. They are pretty shaken up from everything. Randy is so inspirational now. Our sarcastic friend said now he´ll probably have an easier time. It´s kind of funny that things that can kill the body make people look for God. Like Jesus said, fear not those things that can kill the body, but can do nothing to the spirit. Fear he who can kill the spirit.
Well, this is week six of my third change, and we got transfer calls last night and... I´m gone. I am leaving tomorrow to some new place. I am missing the baptism of Mónica, which makes me crazy, but I am one of her official missionaries, so I get to visit her at the end of my mission. Yes!
She almost had an interview with President King on Satuday, but it couldn´t happen, so it´ll now be Thursday, baptised next Sunday. Elder Smith is staying here, and he will be training a new white guy. What a great start to a mission for that noob cake. I contacted without getting into a house for 6 days! (No complaints; good experience)
I´m afriad I´m running to go visit people. I did get some pictures for you, though. That´s Pablo, by the way. He´s Joey, basically. We got him into a great Seminary too, so we needn´t fear. We say at times that we get to take credit for all the people he baptizes on his mission in some four years.
Packing is kind of sad. Chile, yea, even missionary work is Mirador for me. I could be going a bus away, or a bus away (that takes two hours) I didn´t realize that I was a part of this ward until I starting leaving. I have real friends I want to hang out with forever. What happens if that happens everywhere? Too much friends. I´m glad for facebook after, I guess.
I need to go. Tengo que irme.
Me alegro que parecen bien. Esfuércense para hacer lo mejor posible. Nunca se olviden de quienes son, o lo que pueden llegar a ser.
Que les vaya bien,
Élder Alex C Crist
If you ever have questions, that makes it easier to focus. What have I written that you liked?
I´m still writing in my journal. I finished a book. Do you have any tips on what is interesting and what isn´t? Also, someone pitched me the idea of doing recorded audio or video interviews of the missionary upon returning in supplement. Just so you remember.
More socks, same idea
Have any thoughts about scripture marking?
Maybe print off the emails I send and your replies. Or just make sure you keep them. I guarantee someone will want to read it. Reading Dad´s was very cool.
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