What can I say about this week?
It was the hottest week ever. I think this is the hottest month in Chile, and this is the hottest week. What´s wierd is that here it is still cold every night because there´s so much plants, and there´s no inversion like in Provo, which keeps it hot all night.
Let´s think... Oh. I freaking didn´t get anything in pouch at all besides Randy letters. What in the name of Sonny Bono is that about? I was all "Yay, stuff." But no. I had to buy a liter of yoghurt to console myself. But then we went to eat a sort of New Year´s meal thing with our Bishop, whose picture is included. They brought out these salads with avocados on them, with cottage cheese and olive mash where the core used to be. Anyone who knows me knows that´s not something I´m really into. But this is the Bishop. So I ate it. It was really funny because I´d pick up some and bite it and Elder Mann, knowing I didn´t like it, would laugh a little, which would make me laugh, which made it hard to not spew across the table onto the Bishop´s daughter. Then, finishing with that, he brought out a glass pan of meat. I was thinking, "That looks a little small for a whole family -" when he put it down in front of me. I looked crookedly up at him for a second, and he started laughing. His wife put an identical pan in front of Elder Mann. We were expected to eat about a cow between the two of us. It took a solid forty minutes to eat it all. It was kind of hard core. Then they brought out a cake. No way.
We finally left (and got lost on the way home), and arrived just in time to do a ridiculous dance at 0:00:01 1/1/11. It got so intense we threw banana peels, apparently (that banana in the picture was just hanging there the next morning.) It was kind of morbid to realize, though, that I will not see America for the entirety of 2011. That´s a hefty thought.
I´m kind of short on time this week and I don´t know why.
Everything´s okay, really. Besides a little boringness with the ties, I don´t have any problems. After we scrubbed the mold off the walls in our pension, the house is smelling better, but we still have and ant problem. They got my cereal this morning. Needless to say, we´re looking for a new house now to rent.
What a weak email. I don´t know. Nothing happened besides the sun and mold. Maybe next week.
Elder AC Crist
What is red meat?
Reason # 253 why Alex is my best friend: he uses the phrase "what in the name of sonny Bono?" haha. :)